Saturday, August 15, 2009

Teen and Adolescence Acne

Teen and Adolescence Acne

At least 90% of adolescents have acne — it affects teens of every size and shape, in every country from America to Zimbabwe. A recent study by the American Medical Association revealed (not surprisingly) that acne is one of today’s teenagers’ biggest worries. “Acne can, without question, affect self-esteem,” says Diane Berson, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. “Some kids have it so severely that they don’t even want to go out of their house. They make excuses for not going to social functions.”1

It seems unfair, doesn’t it? Just when you’re beginning to grow up and get some ideas about exactly who’s behind the face in your mirror, you’re staring at a minefield of bumps and blemishes. It can be downright depressing — but since everyone has acne, you’re supposed to suck it up and suffer through it… right? Wrong! Today we know more about fighting acne than ever before. And the best way to stop acne is to find out why it starts when it does — during adolescence. Get rid of your acne with Proactiv® Solution - GO NOW!

Why does acne strike teens? At the onset of puberty, the body begins to produce hormones called androgens. These “male” hormones are a natural part of development for both boys and girls, but boys tend to produce more of them — and therefore tend to have more severe breakouts. Why? Our faces and bodies are covered with tiny hairs, each one fitting snugly into a hair follicle, sometimes called a pore. Deep within each follicle, oil glands are hard at work producing sebum, which travels up the hair and out onto the surface of your skin. Sebum’s job is to form a protective layer between your skin and the world, keeping it soft and smooth.

But when androgens enter the picture, your oil glands go into overdrive. They produce extra oil, which can clump together with the dead skin cells on the top layer of your skin. When this sticky mixture finds its way into your pores, it acts just like a cork in a bottle — trapping oil and bacteria inside. Unfortunately, your oil glands just don’t know when to stop; they keep producing oil, and the follicle becomes swollen. Your body’s natural defense system, white blood cells, rush to the area to clean up the mess. The result? Red, painful bumps. Yucky black spots. Zits. Blackheads. Pimples. Acne. It has

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